
Low Stock Of Meat on Supermarket Shelves... Perfect Time To Buy From Us

Low stock of meat in supermarkets. No meat at Coles. buy meat online. buy meat alternative. Local produce. local meat. Melbourne butcher. Home delivered meat.  Regenerative Farms Australia. Regenerative produce online

Yikes. Like us, you probably thought we were through the worst of this. But sadly so many people are struggling to stay open.

The trouble we personally face are abattoirs closing and butchers struggling with lack of staff.

While we have stock, we are happy to keep delivering in a covid safe way.

Do yourself and your friends a favour and grab a box of our outstanding beef and have it delivered to you this week.

Orders close midnight Sunday for delivery the coming week.

5 Keys to EYE FILLET perfection.

Under the spotlight is the EYE FILLET.

Although small, this cut is a winner. The delicate, tender nature of the eye fillet, combined with the fact there isn’t a lot of it, make this a highly prized cut. 

The eye fillet is a long muscle that runs along the underside of the spine. It's what I call a stabiliser muscle. This means that it doesn't do a lot of movement. This lack of movement results in it being the most tender muscle of the whole animal. 

Because of this cuts high value, I have compiled 5 Cooking Tips to help you achieve Eye Fillet Perfection next time you want to treat yourself.

Keys to cooking your eye fillet….

Key 1

Room temperature steak.

If you cook a cold steak, by the time the centre gets to the right temperature the outside will be overcooked. So a couple of hours before cooking, bring your steak out of the fridge and let it get to room temperature.

Key 2

A really hot pan

Add your fat (lard, oil etc) to a pan and bring the heat right up. 

Season your steak with salt flakes JUST before cooking (add pepper at the end, the pan will be too hot and will scorch the pepper if you add it now)

When the pan is really hot. Carefully lay the steak into the pan. 

The result we are after is a nice brown crust on the outside yet soft and juicy on the inside.

Key 3

Flip every 15 to 20 seconds. 

This allows a crust to form without over cooking the inside.

Cook to your liking. A digital thermometer can be inserted into the middle of the steak.

Rare: 45 degrees c

Medium: 55 degrees c

Well done: 65 degrees c

At Re-gen Farms we cut our eye fillets 3+ cm thick so they don't dry out in your pan.

Key 4

Let it rest for at least half as long as you cooked it. 5 mins is great.

A steak straight from the pan has fibres that are still contracting and forcing out the juices. If you cut into it too soon, you will lose all that juiciness. 

When the fibres are allowed to cool down and relax, the moisture re-enters the cells and keeps the juices in the steak.

Place it on a wire rack over a tray or plate to rest.

The heat can then escape and cooking will stop. The residual heat will  still raise the temp by at least 5 degrees so don't worry, it won't get cold.

Key 5

Savour your tender, juicy eye fillet.

Happy home cooking,

Farmer Steph

The King of all Steaks

One of these great steaks is big enough to share

Cook it. Rest it. Cut it away from the bone then slice it up.

Perfect for a low key but highly romantic night in.

 I want to share something really special with you. It's what I think of as the king of our cuts: our 1kg+ RibEye Steaks.

When I look at this steak, I feel so proud. I know that sounds silly, but it really reflects what we stand for at Re-gen Farms. It reflects the time, the effort, the love and care that goes into producing our products.

A steak of this size only comes from a mature aged animal. But it's not just its size that gets me though.

The deep, beefy flavour only develops as the animal grows and matures. 

The rich colour and texture comes from being older and 100% grass fed.

Knowing that the animal has had a full life and has also been used to improve the land is wrapped up in the nostalgia of this cut. 

This is not a steak you find in the supermarket. 
It's not a steak you even find at your butcher. 
How do I know that? Because I know what goes into producing this handcrafted, artisan product

This animal has been with us for three years!
That's three summers: three nervous bushfire seasons.
Three seasons of drought and worrying about the weather.
Three years of constant attention to nutrition.
Three years of being with them every day, moving them to fresh pasture and looking over the herd.
I reflect on that commitment and passion whenever I look at these wonderful steaks. I'm proud to be able to offer it to you.

Our beef truly is a labour of love.

Of course, all our cuts are marvellous and come from these same animals but the impressive RibEye steak speaks very loudly.

I don't say this to intimidate you from eating or cooking it! I don't want you to frame it and hang it on your wall.

I say it because when you eat it, I want you to enjoy it.
To be proud of what you are eating and to have a connection with your farmer, to the animal, and to the land.

Bon Appetit.

Farmer Steph

Is dinner time at your place always a fight?

Do you usually steer away from sausages in the local supermarket because you are worried about all the additives that may be in them? What is in them?

Is dinner time at your place always a fight because your kids don't want to eat their meal? I know what that feels like. Fortunately I can leave and go home, but there is no escape for you.

That's why I'm so pleased to offer something that will help.

Everyone who has tried our snags has told us their kids love them. 

Plus you have the added benefit of knowing they are not full of nasties.

We use only quality, natural ingredients. 

To our premium beef mince, we add a subtle mix of herbs and spices, a little rice flour to bind, plus salt and pepper to taste.

The casings are made from A Grade pork casings, not those artificial collagen casings that are prone to split. 

You can eat with confidence knowing they are gluten free, preservative free, sugar free and low in salt. 

Plus, if you order them in your beef box this week (before Tuesday) you will get them in time for the long weekend. Grab some mince and scotch neck steaks to complete the grill.

Here is what one of our customers had to say:

“I would have ordered more (sausages) if I had known how good they were and how much the girls would like them.” - Jess

I wish you calm dinners,

Farmer Steph

Prepare now for the end of the year. Beef box selection now available

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Whether you are itching to get away, or planning on having people around, our beef boxes make every occasion a whole lot easier.

There is no mess or fuss, as our meat gets delivered to your door cryovaced and frozen. All you have to do is slip it into your freezer, esky, car fridge, or caravan and away you go.

Having friends and family over this year will be a real treat.
Are you planning on an extra special something? Why not WOW them with a brisket you have smoked?
Something low key but delicious works just as well. Put a roast in the oven and walk away.
Slow cook some sticky, finger licking beef ribs.
Or BBQ some schnitzel and hamburgers.

Let our beef boxes inspire whatever you have in mind this holiday season.

Happy planning
Farmer Steph

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How to cook the perfect Hanger Steak

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Hanger steak is a beautiful and tender cut that usual gets made into mince. Thats if the butcher doesn’t keep it for himself. You rarely see it offered in the butcher shop. One animal does not yield much of this tender cut, so if you see it offered in one of our packs, snap it up quick!

Here is how to cook this little known cut and elevate it from the unknown into prime cut territory.

Key: Dont overcook it! It is lean and tender so treat it with respect.

Bring your steak out early and let it get to room temperature.

Cook it quickly in a hot pan.

Let it rest, covered, for half the time it cooked for.

Once it has rested, salt and pepper it to your liking, not before.

Enjoy its robust flavour complimented by mustards, cheese, wine, roasted potatoes and garlic mushrooms.