[PDF] Plan a fulfilling, calm, successful 2023 that will last.

Welcome to 2023! We made it.

Looking at the start of another year can cause a level of uncertainty for many people. What will happen? Where do I begin to plan? It can be daunting and overwhelming.

Yet others fly into the new year full of gusto and armed to their teeth with New Year’s resolutions that by February are all forgotten.

Looking to the internet to tell you what you should do or who you should be will also leave you feeling unfulfilled.

So how do YOU plan for a fulfilling, calm, successful, abundant, enthusiastic 2023 that will last?


Let me share a process that I have been incorporating into my life these last couple of years that has proven successful and empowering.

I encourage you to keep trying, refining and becoming the person you intentionally would like to be.

This process can help you do just that and create focus and foster excitement rather than dread and overwhelm for the coming year.

Steps to planning a 2023 that is fulfilling, calm and successful:

Use the PDF to help you. DOWNLOAD HERE free


  1. Dream Big. If you could have a perfect year and not fail, what would it look like?

  2. Set some non-negotiables: Is it to finish work at a certain time? Evenings with the kids? Sundays at home? The person you will or will not be.

    Ask yourself:

  3. What worked this previous year? What didn’t work? What would I do differently?

  4. What did I really enjoy doing in 2022? What did I hate doing and would like to eliminate from 2023?

  5. What did I want to do that I never got to do? Is it something I want to plan for in 2023?

  6. Who is the person I will have to become to reach those goals? Who is the kind of person I would like to see more of? What is the first step I can take to become that person?

    For bonus points…

  7. What are my priorities?

  8. What is my mission/purpose?

  9. What situations/activities fill my cup?

Don't just gloss over these steps. 

Take some time and use the PDF to write your answers to these questions. 


Cut up a calendar and put all the months on your wall so you can see the whole year in front of you.

Next, using sticky notes, schedule your goals, non negotiable, holidays important events, things you always wanted to do, and activities that fills your cup and refreshes you. Move them around as need be.

Now look at your calendar (your plan) and ask:

  • “Does this plan make me eager for 2023?”

  • "Have I made room for rest, play, my priorities?"

  • "Can I see my mission clearly?"

  • "Do I have time to refresh myself so I can refresh others?"

If your plan still doesn't excite you, ask,

  • “Why am I not looking forward to it?”

Relook at the steps and scheduling until you gain excitement to craft the year you want and to be the person you want.

I encourage you to put the effort in as it will not only be enjoyable but will help in focusing on what is important to you, the person you want to become, how you want to contribute, and how you will get there in 2023.

Continue being awesome and I look forward to hearing how you successful year plays out.

Farmer Steph