[VIDEO Winter update 2022] Are you stuck in an office job? Dreaming of something different?

Happy spring

Winter has been busy for us with lots of little feet hitting the ground.

If you are stuck in an office job and dreaming of something a little different, I thought you would love to have a little escape and watch what has been happening here on the farm.


Winter is calving season and spring brings on the start of lambing.


Although fresh life is beautiful, this time of year also has its challenges. 

The days are short, mornings are cold and my motivation is usually found hiding under the couch with my third cup of coffee.


Wet weather is joyful but also sometimes a real pain.
Our dams are full to bursting but the water running through the property cuts off a few of our low lying paddocks from being used.

Fortunately we have a large hill where the animals have been able to successfully have their young. They can hide under the pines out of the wind and weather, and there are at least a few dry patches for them to lay.


I am really not complaining about the weather. Weather is par for the course as a farmer and something we have to juggle, accommodate, enjoy and appreciate. It won't be long, it passes and something new is happening.


I have put together a little video for you to watch highlighting the joys of this time of year. 

Cast your eyes over it here if watching cute baby animals is your thing.


This may be a little break from your everyday life and bring you a bit of peace, calm and a break from the drama we can sometimes see on our screens.


Enjoy the video and keep smiling,

Farmer Steph