Video highlight for your day. Calf taking his first breath to his first steps

I know winter can be cold and gloomy but every day has a silver lining.
For me, seeing new life on the farm always puts a smile on my face.

What has brought you joy and a smile today?

If you are struggling to think of a highlight for your day, I'm happy to share mine with you.

Read on…

The farm is blooming with life at the moment.
Little hooves are hitting the ground left, right and centre.
Groups of young calves dance across the grass with mischief on their minds.

For each of these calves, their mischief making days must start with their first steps.

Here is a short video of one of our little guys going from first breath to first steps.

How long do you guess it took him to go from arrival to get up and wobble over for his first drink?

Watch the video to find out if you were right.

It’s sure to make you smile too.

Farmer Steph