Sous viding your steak makes it juicy, flavour-packed, and impossibly tender.

It gives amazing consistent results. You will nail your perfect “doneness” every time.

You cant over cook it. Because it will only heat/cook to the temperature you desire.

Here’s how to do it, at home, without a machine.

  1. Warm your water:

Fill your heavy based pot with water. 

Leave enough room at the top so that the water won't overflow once you add food.

Mount a digital thermometer to the side of the pot. You can just stick the thermometer in the water now and again to check its temperature but mounting it is preferred.

You’ll want to secure it so that the tip is dipped in the water but not touching the bottom.

Use bull dog clips and skewers if you need to secure it.

Turn your burner to medium-low, and heat the water until it reaches the desired cooking temperature. Adjust the burner as necessary to maintain a steady cooking temp.

2. Add your steak:

Add your eye filet in a sealed bag (fortunately for you, we provide it in a sealed bag already)

If you want to add salt, pepper, garlic, butter, herbs etc. open the bag and add them. Reuse our bag or a zip lock bag is fine.

Place the bag into the water with the top open (if you opened it), so that the air escapes the bag (vacuum sealing it without the vacuum sealer). 

Hang the top of the bag over the edge of the pot and clip into place with a bulldog clip or clothes peg.

Once you put the food into the pot, you'll need to bring the water back to the desired temperature. This can take some time, especially if you have a lot of water or a large, cold piece of food.

Once the temperature is back up, start your timer. For a medium-rare 1-inch-thick steak, cook at 55 degrees C for 1 to 3 hours. (or whatever temp you decide)

The beauty with cooking at an even temperature is if you go a little over in time, the steak will not appear any more 'done' as the steak will only cook as much as the temperature allows.

Aim for 2  hours

Rest for 15 mins wrapped in a towel. Some people say you don't need to rest it, others swear by it. Give both a try and decide for yourself.

3. Sear your steak:

Cut open the bag and dry steaks really well with paper towel

Lightly sear with a blow torch, on the grill or hot cast iron skillet.

If using a skillet, near the end, baste the steaks with butter.

You'll sometimes see recipes that suggest searing before rather then after you cook sous vide. Both methods work great and you can do either or both. Searing after helps develop a nice clean crust right before serving, and releases all those wonderful it's-almost-ready aromas into your dinner party. 

Sprinkle your food with some salt and pepper if you haven't already, slice, and serve!

For a great tasting, impressive serving idea, try our Sous Vide Eye Fillet Steak with French Pate recipe here.