Planning a 2022 that is fulfilling

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Welcome to 2022! We made it. :)

I wanted to share something I have found super valuable to do either at the end of the year or early in the year.

That is to create a plan, so you can sculpt a year you will look back on and love.

Why is that important?

A lot of people have expressed that they don't know where 2021 went.

“It was just a blur.”

“I achieved nothing.”

They enjoyed a break but now feel daunted by the months ahead.

If that is you, don't despair. I want to relate a process I have enjoyed doing that has helped me to create focus and foster excitement rather than dread or overwhelm for the coming year.

Here are a couple of steps you will find useful and a link to the PDF version

Download: Plan a Fulfilling 2022 PDF

Planning a 2022 that is fulfilling:

  1. Dream Big. If you could have a perfect year and not fail, what would it look like?

  2. Set some non-negotiables: Is it to finish work at a certain time? Evenings with the kids? Sundays at home? 

Ask yourself:

  1. What worked this previous year? What didn’t work?

  2. What did I really enjoy doing in 2021? What did I hate doing and would like to eliminate from 2022?

  3. What did I want to do that I never got to do? Is it something I want to plan for in 2022?

  4. Who is the person I will have to become to reach those goals? What is the first step I can take to become that person?

Don't just gloss over these steps. 

Take some time to write your answers to these questions.



Cut up a calendar and put all the months on your wall so you can see the whole year.

Next, using sticky notes, schedule the goals, non negotiable, holidays and important events on your year calendar.

Now look at your calendar and your plan and ask:
“Does this plan make me eager for 2022?”
Consider what part of your plan doesn't excite you.
Ask “Why am I not looking forward to it?”.
Relook at steps 1-6 until you gain excitement to craft the year you want.

This can be hard work and time consuming. But I encourage you to put the effort in and it will not only be enjoyable but will help in focusing on what is important to you and how you will get there in 2022.

Enjoy the process and let me know how you went.

Farmer Steph

Download: Plan a Fulfilling 2022 PDF