Farm produce

How well does your food bring back memories

Imagine growing up on a farm in France. What a dream, ey? 

I can picture it; stone farmhouse, picturesque rolling hills, quaint villages. Perhaps I am getting carried away. But that is what I imagined when Caroline told me on Friday that she grew up on a farm in France.

Anyway, the point of the story is that she went on to say our lamb reminded her of her childhood and the lamb she used to eat back then.

Wow, what a privilege to be able to bring back those old memories for her.

She's not the only person to tell me our meat reminds them of what they used to eat 25+ years ago.

It can be easy to take for granted what we do from day to day and daydream about what we don't have… like a farm in France, that it's easy to forget that what we do have is quite special too. We get to transport people back to their childhood. Who knew that would have ever been possible when we started this?

If you wanted to try our lamb and see what memories it brings back for you, you can't go past our HALF LAMB BOX

Worth well over $350, this box is a no brainer at $260.

It is absolutely the best way to buy your lamb.

And it's the closest I can get you to France.

Happy memories,

Farmer Steph


1x Boneless Lamb Shoulder 1.5kg approx

2x 4 point Lamb Rack

2x Lamb Shank

8x Loin Chops

4x Forequarter Chops 

4x Chump Chops 

2x Lamb Leg Roasts (1x easy carve, 1x mini roast)

Lamb Spare Ribs

Lamb Mince

Lamb Bones perfect for broths and stocks

VALUE in this weeks Feature Box

When we make a purchase we want to see value for our hard earned moolah.

Of course value is behind ALL our boxes, but I particularly had this in mind when I was compiling this week's feature box: I really wanted to provide you with value.

But here is the funny thing about value, we all value different things.

Here I go getting all philosophical on you.


  • You value your time

  • You value your health,

  • You value your family's welfare,

  • You value convenience,

  • I know you value taste, I get told that all the time,

  • And I know you value peace, calm, positivity, freedom and space.

Woow. Where are you going with this Steph?

That value can be elusive at this time of year, particularly the last one.

Clutter, confusion and panic can easily set in.

  • Who will be open?

  • What if I need…?

  • I'm not organised.

All these negative thoughts can take away from what we really value.

Don't worry, I have you covered, at least in the meals department. 
With this weeks feature box conveniently tucked away in your freezer

  • You will have what you need to see you through, for at least 2 weeks. 

  • You will be organised

  • You will have time.

It's perfect for you. 

It is packed full of value, so you can have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are under control, and then you can get back to what's important to you. 

Do you feel that freedom and space that brings?

Ok here it is....


1x Prime Cut pack (Twin pack - Porterhouse, Scotch fillet, Eye Fillet, Flat Iron) ~600g

1x Roast (1.5 kg approx) (Girello, Silverside, Topside, Bolarblade)

1x Beef Ribs (1kg approx)

1x Osso Bucco (1.1kg approx)

1x Rump Steak (800g+ approx)

1x Denver Steak or Hanger Steak (500g approx)

2x Schnitzel packs (500g)

4x 500g packs Premium Beef Mince

1x preservative free Beef Sausages (6 fat sausages, 700g approx.)


If you have that in your freezer you are sorted!

Happy days, 

Farmer Steph

Dont panic! There is no shortage of meat!

We’ve all been worried about how to deal with the conditions we now find ourselves in. How do we still provide for our families and keep them safe at the same time?

At Re-Gen Farms we are here to help!

In order to keep contact down and still eat wholesome nourishing food, you can purchase a 1/4 or 1/2 side of delicious GRASS FED BEEF to fill your freezer, and have it delivered to your door!

We look forward to seeing you… from a distance…. in the near future.

Regards Farmer Steph