Steak Box - Limited Edition

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Steak Box - Limited Edition


Packed full of high end, nutritious, goodness. This steak box is perfect for all and is especially popular among singles and busy couples that find they don’t cook a lot of roasts and stews.

Your Box includes a selection of our wonderful steak range.

  • 1x Eye Fillet pack

  • 2x Porterhouse Steak packs (2 per pack) 500g+ per pack

  • 1x Rib Eye Steak ~500g

  • 1x Flat Iron or Hanger Steak ~500g

  • 1x Rump Steak ~700g

  • 1x Denver Steak ~700g

  • 1x Pack preservative free Beef Sausages (6 Fat sausages in a pack)

Add BEEF BACON and our wonderful PASTURED EGGS to your box to complete your regenerative protein intake.

This box is available for a limited time

Order 1 or 2 to fill your freezer and keep yourself stocked in superb quality, regeneratively farmed meat.

Not an organised person? No problem, the steaks remain perfect in their cryovacced state for a number of days after defrosting, so

  • Sunday night take the packs out you think you will need for your mid week meals

  • put them in the bottom of your fridge to defrost.

  • they will then be ready for use when you need and will whet your appetite every time you open the fridge

  • no excuse that you don’t know what to cook.

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