Beef Box

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Re-Gen Farm-01523.jpg
sold out

Beef Box


If you ever wanted to try our Secret Steak range, this is the pack for you.

Get your steak fix here with 2 of our Secret Steaks, plus a Rib Eye, AND Round Steak.

(hanger steak sold out, you’ve gotta be quick)

Box includes.
What I call a perfect breakfast steak - the tender Scotch Neck Steaks

And a family favourite, Denver steak.

Dont forget a 400g+ Rib Eye Steak

Plus 1x Round Steak, 2x Roasts, 500g Beef Mince to feed the family

This makes up a 7kg box of scrumptious Beef.

1x Rib Eye Steak (440g+ approx)

2x Denver Steak Pack (600g approx)

1x Scotch Neck Steak Pack (300g+)

1x Round Steak (1 kg approx.)

2x Beef Roasts (1-1.5 kg each)

1x Gravy Beef (800g approx)

500g Mince

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