1/2 Beef Share
1/2 Beef Share
This offer provides 100kg of premium meat at $25/kg, totaling $2,500.
It’s tailored for larger households, planners, and those who value having a stocked chest freezer or sharing with family and friends.
The meat comes from animals raised naturally, offering a unique, artisan product with each cut varying slightly.
What’s Included:
Prime Cuts (approx 15kg):
A variety of Porterhouse, Scotch Fillet, Eye Fillet, and Ribeye Steaks
Roasts, Slow Cook Cuts, and Schnitzels (approx 50kg):
A mix of Whole Brisket, Osso Bucco, Ribs, Topside Roasts, Bolar Blade Roast, Girello Roasts, Silverside Roasts, Rump Steaks, Gravy Beef, Schnitzels, and Diced Beef
Premium Mince (approx 40kg):
Preservative-free, ready to stock up for everyday meals.
The meat is fresh, cryovaced, and labeled, so it’s freezer-ready. Just bring an esky to the pick-up location you select during checkout.
Payment is required before pickup.